Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What I did the week of the 27th

Welcome to my third week!
On Monday, we did the normal things. I got gelato at Old Bridge and I got banana and pistachio. I don't know why I hadn't gotten banana sooner! It was amazing!! I am definitely going to get it again! We went to the grocery to stock up on food and then just relaxed. And Dana and I tried to do Insanity. I am not sure I really like Insanity. It had too much jumping around. Needless to say, it only lasted for about 20 minutes and then we ended up doing other workout videos. Then on Tuesday after school, Dana and I went for a run. We ran to where we watched the beautiful sunset a few weeks ago. We ran for 30 minutes and then took showers and went out to dinner with Kyle, Steve, and Steve's family, and Kelly, and Alissa. We went to another pizza place and it was really good. One that Max had recommended. I got a mushroom pizza. And a rice ball for an appetizer; I had never heard of these until Dana talked about them! After dinner we walked to Frigidarium. While we were there we had an awkward encounter with an American man with a blonde buffont who was sitting outside eating. He popped his head into where we were standing to order and goes "the melon is really good." So strange! And then after we had gotten our gelato he stands with us and goes "I noticed no one listened to my advice." Yikes. We just wanted him to leave. Also while we were standing there, Kyle begins to smell his ice cream and he is making this strange face. So of course I went over and was like oh no what's wrong and he proceeds to tell me that his ice cream smells kind of strange. So naturally I say oh let me smell, so I lean in to smell the ice cream and he smashes the thing against my nose. And then I shriek because it was so not expected! It was very funny! On Wednesday, I decided to skip gelato and take a nap! My first one of the trip and man it felt great! more to come with the rest of the week! :)

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