Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 2

Today was just as great as yesterday! Once again we rode the buses to get to the school! We were all a little tired this morning so we stopped at "the bar" at the school for capacchinos. They are only one euro! what a steal! The kids were a lot more calm today and they were actually in the classroom more! Something that touched my heart was the fact that this morning, over the PA system they had a morning prayer. In the opening prayer they were praying for moms for the month of May (so cute!).  Then we went outside with the kindergardeners where we watered a garden that the school made! The kindergardeners were paired up with the fourth graders. The best part of the day was when the students circled around me on the carpet and I introduced myself and told them a few facts about myself. Then The students all told me their names and where they come from and which languages they speak! Wow! talk about impressive! They can all speak at least two languages and some even three or four! One little girl asked me "how are you enjoying your experience in Rome?" how mature of her? And they loved that I played soccer in high school...all of the boys raised their fists with excitement. Today I also got to read to them some of The Tale of Desperaux. And they were so well behaved compared to my 1st graders from practicum. I also got to watch the DAP testing that my teacher did for two of the students. She timed them read a passage orally and then they had to respond to the prompt: "what are three things you thought about while you were reading" and "what are three questions they had" I saw two really good students do this so I am interested to see how the weaker students do. When we went home I had to get throat lozenges and I went to a pharmacia and the lozenges were not even out; she had to get them from behind the counter. I thought that was strange! Then I came back to the apartment and then got ready to go on a run (oh I went on this run yesterday and it was amazing but it was much longer than the one today). But it is this huge park! It is marvelous!! There are trails everywhere and tons of people running and biking (it reminds me of a central park kind of feeling). We found castles, churches, and a rose garden! Rome never ceases to amaze me! Then I came back to the apartment and had pasta and a salad with tomatoes (that were soo tasty! Everything was soo fresh!) Then we went on an adventure throughout Rome to find the Trevi Fountain again! It was a little struggle. But it was so fun! We eventually found it! And there were TONS of people there! Still!  It was a fantastic day!

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