Saturday, May 26, 2012

What I did on the week of May 20 outside of school!

This past week was soooo rainy!! Supposedly the Italian aren’t really accustomed to having this much rain so early in the summer! So when we got home in the afternoons from school we pretty much just stayed inside! On Monday, we went to the market to stock up on groceries and we decided to make a chicken stirfry. I decided that I would make the rice since I eat and make it all the time at home. But it proved to be a little more difficult that what I thought. Due to our tour burners it was kind of hard and the rice ended up getting crunchy and not too good but we used it anyway! It kinda looks like tapioca in the pan. The chicken the veggies were much needed and tasted delicious! It was fun roomie bonding!  But on one night, Tuesday I got to meet up with the Giannasi’s. We went out to dinner (I got lasagna and it was delish!) and then I took them to Old Bridge! Jeff ordered lemon and he said the guy looked at him like “are you serious?” and after Jeff took a bite we could tell why! He said it was just like a war head! It was fun to see them in Rome! How cool!? Friends from elementary school and here we are in Rome! They gave me a lot of tips on things to tell my parents about the tour of the Vatican! Like the fact that it is worth it to pay the money for the Vatican museum tour because then they take you to two other churches! Then on Wednesday, we went to Campo di Fiori for dinner with four other JMU guys who were traveling around Europe and we met up with they guy who was backpacking (Aaron).  I shared eggplant (according to Dana it was “homestyle eggplant”) and ravioli and shrip risotto. We went to a fancy restaurant, so they put us in a back room but I guess that was good because we got pretty loud! The best part of the evening was when Aaron knew who JMU was simply by the fact that we beat Virginia Tech! haha! It was fun to meet up with him again and I am pretty sure we provided him with a lot of entertainment! Then we all went to Frigidorium (the gelato place). I think we are finally starting to figure out our way around the big city of Rome! Then on Thursday, we went as a huge group to the pasta place we went to the first big dinner together. We had delicious bruschetta and fried (do you believe it? Fried!) potatoes, rice balls, and something with an olive. Oh and their house wine is delicious! It has a little bubble to it! Then we had three different types of pasta. Carbanra with regattini, Regitoni with tomatoe and pork and Penna with pork and mushrooms. They were all delicious! Just like we remembered! While we there four police/military guys showed up and they were all very attractive! So we enjoyed trying to take sneaky pictures of them! Then it was time to leave and Dana and I were just rubbing our stomachs and then this guy walks up to us and says “Ciao where are you from?” So strange!! Luckily he quickly left! Then Alissa, Dana, Kelly, Kyle and I went to a bar  and we just drank it outside and then we ended the evening with gelato!!!! My new fave is Dolce Late and Caramel….mmmm….I want some now just writing this! Then we headed home for bed and we have an early wake up time at 6:20! 

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