Monday, March 26, 2012


I am getting very excited for my study abroad trip to Rome! I leave for Rome on May 9th! And I am basically over all my classes...all I want to do is leave!! I am currently attending a class each Monday in preparation for my trip! I have already gotten my plane ticket! Sad to say I will be waiting in the airport for like six hours! But I just figured out some of the girls from my group are on my same flight which is amazing! At least this will give me some good people watching time! hehe! I will be staying at San Pietro Residence right outside St. Peter's square! Here is a link to the place I am staying!  I will be going to Marymount International School from Monday through Thursday! I am not sure what age I will be with yet! But I am sure they will be cute no matter what! I met with a friend last week who went on the trip last year and she gave me so many informative tid bits!She told me things I should bring and clothes to wear and her biggest piece of advice was to EXPLORE! and get lost! All you have to do is look up and head towards St. Peter's square! I will include a post about all the information she has given me!! So I can remember! :)